With the sugaring off season in full swing and Easter just around the corner, we wanted to offer you some maple-flavored recipe ideas to make at home. Let’s agree that the best option is to come and sweeten your mouth at our Sucrerie des Gallant! If you feel like cooking, here are some suggestions:
Amaze your guests with a welcome cocktail to start your meal: the ”Maple Bubbles”! All you have to do is follow these steps:
Moisten the rim of a flute with a lemon wedge and dip in maple sugar. Pour in ¼ ounce of Snow Ice Cider and ½ ounce of Grouse. Fill the glass with Entre Pierre et Terre sparkling perry. It’s done, all that’s left to do is enjoy!
To accompany this beverage, an endive salad (for 2 people):
- 1 endive
- Radicchio to taste
- 1 handful of arugula
- 1 Granny Smith apple
- ¼ cup of walnuts
- 1 c. olive oil soup
- 1 c. balsamic vinaigrette soup
- 1 c. maple syrup soup
- 1 c. tea of Dijon mustard
In a bowl, combine vegetables, apple and nuts. In a mug, combine the liquid ingredients and pour into the bowl. Mix vigorously.
Let’s move on to the digestif with the popular White Maple:
In a martini glass, pour ½ ounce of Grouse. In a shaker, put ice, 1 ounce of Sorcery, 1 ounce of Coureur des bois and 2 ounces of milk. Shake and pour gently over the Grouse with a strainer on a spoon. Sprinkle with cocoa and maple sugar and flavor with orange zest.
Impossible to decide between our famous sugar pie or our maple crème brûlée to accompany the digestive! Here are our 2 favorite recipes:
Sugar pie (makes 3 pies)
- 2 whole eggs
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 ½ canes of evaporated milk Carnation
- 5 ½ cups brown sugar
- ½ cup of flour
- ¼ c. teaspoon of vanilla
Beat brown sugar with milk and vanilla. Pour the eggs into the first mixture. Whisk well and stir in the flour. Mix well until creamy.
Maple Crème Brûlée (serves 6)
- 7 egg yolks
- 125 mL maple syrup
- 375 ml of 35% cream
- 50g white sugar or maple sugar
Keep the egg yolks in a large mixing bowl. In a saucepan, combine the syrup and cream and bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Mix egg yolks with sugar and stir in hot syrup and cream mixture (continue stirring while adding mixture). Using a ladle, fill 6 ramekins. Bake in a 325F water bath for 40 to 60 minutes or until solid.
Now, to your ovens and especially good appetite!